Capacity-building: Growing a Network of In-country Asian Elephant Professionals
Capacity building is the process by which individuals and organizations obtain, improve, and retain the skills, knowledge, tools, equipment and other resources needed to do their jobs competently or to a greater capacity.
Elephant Care International builds local capacity to better care for elephants by teaching skills, spreading knowledge, sharing resources, and inspiring positive change in Asian elephant range countries. We provide:
Workshops for elephant veterinarians, veterinary technicians, elephant facility managers, government officials, mahouts, and others.
Individual one-one-one training.
Online training, presentations, and resources.
An extensive, free online database on elephant healthcare and conservation and and elephant formulary that includes a compendium of drugs and medication techniques.
Training Workshops
Elephant Care International partners with NGOs, universities, and government leaders to provide healthcare training workshops for professionals who are responsible for the wellbeing of Asian elephants in Asia. Click here to learn more.
Online Training Resources
Elephant Care International pioneers and shares innovative elephant veterinary care and welfare knowledge and practice to create a kinder, gentler healthier world for elephants.​
Click here to access our free training and information resources.​

Sharing information has always been a key part of ECI’s misson and one way we do that is by participating in conferences and giving presentaons on elephant health and welfare topics. Dr. Susan Mikota has given presentations in India, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and the USA. Click here for a list of invited presentations.